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Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sofia Iris Bibli

Project B01

Institute of Vascular Signaling, Centre for Molecular Medicine

Goethe University, Frankfurt


Professional Career

Since 2021

W1/W2 tenure track Professor

Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany

2016 - 2021

Postdoctoral Fellow

 Institute for Vascular Signalling, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany


Postdoctoral Fellow

Bioacademy Research Foundation Athens, Greece

 2013 - 2016


in Molecular Pharmacology, National and Kapodestrian University of Athens, Greece

Selected Publications

Bibli SI and Fleming I: Oxidative post-translational modifications: A focus on cysteine S-sulfhydration and the regulation of endothelial fitness. Antioxid Redox Signal. 35:1494-1514, 2021.

Hartmann M, Bibli SI, Tews D, Ni X, Kircher T, Kramer J, Kilu W, Heering J, Hernandez Olmos V, Weizel L, Scriba G, Krait S, Knapp S, Chaikuad A., Merk D, Fleming I, Fischer-Posovszky P, Proschak E: Combined cardioprotective and adipocyte browning effects promoted by the eutomer of dual sEH/PPARγ modulator. J. Med. Chem. 64, 5, 2815-2828, 2021.

Bibli SI, Hu J, Looso M, Weigert A, Ratiu C, Wittig J, Drekolia M-K, Tombor L, Randriamboavonjy V, Leisegang MS, Goymann P, Lagos FD, Fisslthaler B, Zukunft S, Kyselova A, Justo AFO, Heidler J, Tsilimigras D, Brandes RP, Dimmeler S, Papapetropoulos A, Knapp S, Offermanns S, Wittig I, Nishimura SL, Sigala F, Fleming I: Mapping the endothelial cell S-sulfhydrome highlights the crucial role of integrin sulfhydration in vascular function. Circulation. 143:935-948, 2021.

Bibli SI, Hu J, Leisegang MS, Wittig J, Zukunft S, Kapasakalidi A, Fisslthaler B, Tsilimigras D, Zografos G, Filis K, Brandes RP, Papapetropoulos A, Sigala F, Fleming I: Shear stress regulates cystathionine γ lyase expression to preserve endothelial redox balance and reduce membrane lipid peroxidation. Redox Biol. 28:101379, 2020.

Bibli SI*, Hu J*, Sigala F, Wittig I, Heidler J, Zukunft S, Tsilimigras D, Randriamboavonjy V, Wittig J, Kojonazarov B, Schürmann C, Siragusa M, Siuda D, Luck B, Abdel Malik R, Filis K, Zografos G, Chen C, Wang DW, Pfeilschifter J, Brandes RP, Szabo C, Papapetropoulos A, Fleming I: Cystathionine γ lyase sulfhydrates the RNA binding protein HuR to preserve endothelial cell function and delay atherogenesis. Circulation. 139:101-114, 2019. (*equal contribution) 

Hu J*, Bibli SI*, Lin J, Hans-Peter H, Popp R, Fleming I: Soluble epoxide hydrolase promotes astrocyte survival in retinopathy of prematurity. J Clin Invest. 129:5204-5218, 2019. (*equal contribution)

Bibli SI*, Papapetropoulos A, Iliodromitis EK, Daiber A, Randriamboavonjy V, Steven S, Brouckaert P, Chatzianastasiou A, Kypreos KE, Fleming I, Adreadou I: Nitroglycerine limits infarct size through S-nitrosation of cyclophilin D: a novel mechanism for an old drug. Cardiovasc Res. 115:625-636, 2019. (*Corresponding Author).

Leisegang MS, Bibli SI, Günther S, Pflüger-Müller B, Oo JA, Hu J, Sigala F, Boon RA, Fleming I, Brandes RP: Pleiotropic effects of laminar flow and statins depend on the Krüppel-like factor-induced lncRNA MANTIS. Eur Heart J. 40:2523-2533, 2019.

Bibli SI, Zhou Z, Zukunft S, Fissthaler B, Brouckaert P, Andreadou I, Fleming I, Papapetropoulos A: Tyrosine phosphorylation of eNOS regulates myocardial survival after an ischemic insult: role of PYK2. Cardiovasc Res. 113:926-937, 2017.

Hu J, Dziumbla S, Lin J, Bibli SI, Zukunft S, de Mos J, Awwad K, Froemel T, Jungmann A, Devraj K, Cheng Z, Wang L, Fauser S, Eberhart CG, Sodhi A, Hammock BD, Liebner S, Müller OJ, Glaubitz C, Hammes H-P, Popp R, Fleming I: Inhibition of soluble epoxide hydrolase prevents diabetic retinopathy. Nature. 552:248-252, 2017.

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